Economic empowerment for vulnerable youth in rural Shaanxi province

Partner: Plan International
Country: China
Start date: 01/07/2022
Project type: Vocational Training
Project reach: 750

The GSRD Foundation supports Plan International in their training of 750 young people from migrant families (of which 80% are women) in vocational and social skills. To close the gap between what one learns in school and what one needs to know to get and retain a job, Plan international trains young people in social skills and vocational skills to succeed in the labour market. Social skills such as goal setting, problem solving, digital literacy, green citizenship and gender awareness are part of the curriculum.

Almost all jobs demand digital skills from workers. Also, the need to respond to climate change is creating a demand for different skills. China’s government has set clear targets for 2025 on the green transition, replacing resource-intensive traditional job opportunities with new jobs in the green and digital economy (e.g. jobs in ecommerce, green energy). This training program addresses this demand for new skills. In addition, Plan International will assist the youngsters in finding a job under fair and safe conditions.

Plan International is committed to improving children’s rights worldwide and to improve compliance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. In this challenge, Plan International puts the rights and opportunities of girls first. Read more about Plan International.