Education Empowerment for Chinese Children

Partner: Shanghai Better Education Development Center
Country: China
Start date: 01/09/2009
Project type: Education
Project reach: 124,000 direct beneficiaries

The Shanghai Better Education Development Center gives children the social and financial tools necessary to become an entrepreneur.

The Aflatoun Program helps children develop savings, social responsibility, and helps them develop the leadership and entrepreneurial skills necessary to get ahead. Aflatoun has opened an online platform for teachers to support the project’s rapid spread over China. This online platform is a tool that allows educators to share lesson materials and success stories to help promote a collaborative learning environment.

Chinese children follow a daily education program that is integrated into their basic school program.

Shanghai Better Education Development Center (Be Better) is a pioneering organization in China focused on financial education for children and youth. It is an educational service provider to schools, universities, and district education bureaus, and provides educational consulting on teacher training, school management, student performance and curriculum development. Read more about Be Better.