Fund, Support and Grow Social Entrepreneurs

Partner: UnLtd India
Country: India
Start date: 01/10/2017
Project type: Entrepreneurship & grant
Project reach: 46 direct beneficiaries

UnLtd India and the GSRD Foundation have been working together since 2015 to provide what is known as ‘incubation support’ to social entrepreneurs. In this fourth phase of the project, we will support 22 entrepreneurs who have come up with a way to address a burning social issue in India, and the passion to pursue it.
The objective of the program is to support the development of these entrepreneurs as effective leaders, to help their ventures to scale up and grown into high-impact, sustainable organizations.

The program has three levels, all of which the GSRD Foundation supports. At level one, the program helps start up or pilot new initiatives by social entrepreneurs. At level two, it helps high-potential projects that are in their early stages to maximize their impact and become sustainable over the longer term. At level three, which is known as the Growth Challenge, it gives these enterprises the funding and input so they can deploy human and financial resources and grow.

The program offers financial support, as well as hands-on help in a number of areas, including business and financial planning, fundraising, legal structures, governance, marketing and human resources. Support is offered through one-on-one coaching and training, as well as by creating and building on high-value connections both among entrepreneurs and with subject-matter experts and follow-on funders or investors.

Partner information: UnLtd India
UnLtd India is a launch pad for early stage social entrepreneurs in India. The organisation finds funds and supports entrepreneurs who have the ideas, passion and entrepreneurial skills to address a burning social issue in India. UnLtd India works with individuals at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journeys (typically in years 0-5 of their venture’s lifecycle.) The aim of support is to develop the entrepreneurs as effective leaders, develop their idea/venture into a high-impact and sustainable initiative on the ground, prepare their fledgling organisations for growth, and create a network of hundreds of entrepreneurs tackling social problems in India. Read more about UnLtd India.