Promoting the Switch from Conventional to Organic Cotton

Partner: Rabobank Foundation
Country: India
Start date: 01/09/2009
Project type: Vocational Training
Project reach: 1500 direct beneficiaries

Together with the Rabobank Foundation, the GSRD Foundation encouraged small and marginal cotton farmers to make the switch to Organic and Fair Trade certified cotton production and collective marketing in Karnataka, India.

The project aimed to improve the livelihoods of around 1500 small and marginal cotton producing families by supporting these farmers in the production of organic and FLO (Fair Labour Organisation) certified cotton. The initiative rained farmers in Organic Production technologies, Organic and FLO certification, collective marketing and management of their organization. We helped establish and register a functional and sustainable primary producer organization in which the farmers are the shareholders and stimulate efficient production in order to create a fair and competitive national and international price, and offer a long term stable market to farming families.

The GSRD Foundation funded staff and farmer training and all other activities that related to organic cotton production capacity building.

The Rabobank Foundation helps underprivileged and disadvantaged people to become economically active and independent. Read more about the Rabobank Foundation.