Setting up a Vocational Training & Entrepreneurship Institute

Partner: Sawed Trust
Country: India
Start date: 01/01/2018
Project type: Vocational & Life skills
Project reach: 2000 direct beneficiaries

The GSRD Foundation has been supporting Sawed Trust since 2011 by helping it to set up training centres where adolescent girls and women from socially excluded, underprivileged and minority communities in India can learn a trade and receive training in entrepreneurial skills. The current project Dindigul district in Tamil Nadu that started in 2018 aims to empower 2000 adolescent girls and women/widows through vocational training.

The women and girls can receive training in computer skills, mobile phone servicing, tailoring and garment making or to become a beautician. They will also learn about personality development, leadership skills, communication methods, accounting, banking, loan availability and available government funding according to their needs/capacity and their grasping power. To ensure their mental and physical wellbeing, Sawed Trusts also makes sure they have sufficient awareness about Human Rights, violence against women, reproductive child health, maternal child health and HIV/Aids. After the training, the women and girls can find jobs, start their own business and become financially independent.

Sawed Trust is an Indian non-profit organization established in 1994. Sawed Trust works towards the empowerment of underprivileged women and children via health care, vocational training and educational programmes. Their mission is to take care of the basic needs and priorities of the poorest, especially women and children, and empower them towards their overall development and self-reliance. Read more about the Sawed Trust.