Vocational Training and Microloans to Promote Entrepreneurship

Partner: Terre des Hommes
Country: India
Start date: 01/07/2009
Project type: Vocational Training
Project reach: 210 direct beneficiaries

Together with Terre des Hommes, the GSRD Foundation offered vocational training and microcredits to stimulate entrepreneurship in the district of Andra Pradesh, India.

The goal of the project was to strengthen and empower children, youths and women of 1257 families in 25 communities in India by creating Self Help Groups. The project offered health care, early learning and primary school, and vocational training to these needy families. 210 youth and women of the Self Help Groups received vocational training and 746 loans were provided to the Self Help Group members in order to start their own businesses.

Terre des Hommes started as a relief organization for children. Later, the focus of the organization shifted to combating child exploitation. Terre des Hommes supports projects worldwide in the field of education, health care and independence. Read more about click Terre des Hommes.