Income generating opportunities for patients

Partner: Partners in Health
Country: Peru
Start date: 01/07/2010
Project type: Entrepreneurship
Project reach: 235 direct beneficiaries

Together with Partners In Health and its sister organization Socios En Salud, the GSRD Foundation helped create the Income Generation Program in Peru.

The program is organized to give hundreds of patients that survived multidrug-resistant tuberculosis or were coping with HIV an opportunity to make an income and a chance to reclaim their livelihoods.

The Income Generation Program is comprised of two components: a labor integration program and a microcredit opportunity.

The labor reintegration component is created to support patients as they reentered the labor market and gained economic independence. Patients are given personal marketing tools and are provided training in interview and presentation techniques as well as job searching skills.

The microcredit component is created to support tuberculosis and HIV patients, ex-patients, and their families as they start or expand a small business. As a result of the microloan, patients regained their economic independence, recovered their self-esteem and gained the will necessary to recover from disease.

Partners In Health was founded in 1989 to deliver medical care in Haiti. After expanding their activities and geographical presence, their focus changed to both medical and moral support. Partners In Health is active in Peru, Siberia and Haiti. You can read more about Partners In Health.