Promotion of Youth Entrepreneurship

Partner: Colectivo Integral de Desarrollo
Country: Peru
Start date: 01/03/2009
Project type: Entrepreneurship
Project reach: 803 direct beneficiaries

Together with Colectivo Intergral de Desarrollo, the GSRD Foundation aims to promote entrepreneurship and business activities among young men and women in the city of Cuzco, Peru.

The project promotes several activities to help local entrepreneurs including enhancing market knowledge and improving skills to enter the market; promoting access to relevant services for new entrepreneurs e.g. using the web; initiating training programs on developing business plans, marketing, accounting, management, taxation and financial education; initiating training that is tailor made for the production of certain goods and services; and allowing for the possibility of managerial assistance for new entrepreneurs.

Colectivo Integral de Desarrollo (CID) is a Peruvian NGO specialized in serving entrepreneurs and business creators (people who are planning to start a business or are in the process of starting a business) by providing information, guidance, training, advice and support to credit management. Read more about CID.