Vocational training and job placement for the youth in difficult circumstances

Partner: Terre des Hommes
Country: Vietnam
Start date: 01/07/2020
Project type: Vocational training
Project reach: 188

Together with Terre des Hommes, the GSRD Foundation wants to improve the employment opportunities of vulnerable youngsters in Vietnam.
Specifically, 188 youngsters will be trained in Technical and Vocational Education skills in the Thanh Hoa province.

After completion of the vocational training, meetings with employment agencies will be scheduled and job interviews will be arranged. Terre des Hommes will guide the youngsters through the contracting process and ensures that their workers’ rights are protected. After getting a job, Terre des Hommes will follow up with the youngsters and monitors their wellbeing.

Terre des Hommes started as a relief organization for children. Later their focus shifted to combating child exploitation. Terre des Hommes supports projects worldwide in the fields of education, health care and independence. Read more about Terre des Hommes.