GSRD Foundation India Visit

October 16, 2022

In September, the GSRD Foundation visited several partners and projects in India.

We met local management teams, learnt about the context they work in, evaluated project progress and got to see live projects on-site. It was great to be back in the field after two years of travel restrictions!

During this field visit, we also took the opportunity to meet our new partner; Apnalaya in Mumbai. Apnalaya works with the urban poor enabling access to basic services such as; healthcare and education, empowering them to help themselves and ensuring provision of civic entitlements through advocacy with the government.

Within our partnership we aim to support 100 adolescents within the informal settlements in Mumbai to ensure that they stay in school, improve their social education (self-awareness, social awareness, critical thinking) and remain unmarried until the legal age.

We certainly were impressed by the energetic children that we met, determined to finish their education and get a good job. We were equally impressed by the commitment and dedication of the Apnalaya staff. They work following their slogan: Empowering the urban poor.

You can learn more about Apnalaya here.