April 24, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has created unprecedented challenges for our partners and projects in the countries where G-Star RAW products are made. We support our partners to adjust to the rapidly evolving situation and we provide additional support for COVID-19 prevention and for the communities most affected by the virus. We do so by lifting restrictions on current commitments and by providing additional funding for specific COVID-19 interventions. Examples of additional support provided include hygiene packages and food distribution, awareness raising activities and personal protective equipment for our partners’ staff.

Our long-term partner Friendship has set up a large-scale COVID-19 response program to address the critical needs of the local communities. In the midst of the lockdown they are also ensuring that children can continue their education at home. Friendship’s teachers are constantly in contact with their students to check on their well-being, provide advice on COVID-19 safety measures and give them homework. Friendship’s online education system -which was initially designed for students in the remote areas of Bangladesh- has now become a reliable learning source throughout the country. The pre-recorded classes are broadcasted on the government operated national TV-channel. Friendship provides regular updates on their efforts in a newsletter.

We will remain in close contact with our partners throughout the crisis and commit our support to ensure that they can continue their important work.

The GSRD Foundation is not alone in its efforts. Foundations across the globe are stepping up and working together during this crisis. We are among 176 foundations across Europe who signed the European Philanthropy Statement on COVID-19, a commitment to be “good partners and a source of meaningful support during the coming weeks and months so that civil society groups can focus on the vital work of supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.”