A look back at 2021

Entering the new year of 2022 has got us taking a good look back at 2021. For all of our partners this was a year that was dominated by the presence of the Coronavirus. What stood out to us in 2021, was that our partners weren’t beaten by the virus. …

Retraining courses in Bangladesh

Due to the pandemic, the unemployment rate in Bangladesh rose by 13% in only a few months. Our partner since 2008, Grameen Shikkha responded by quickly arranging to teach 1,000 unemployed young men and women a new occupation. During a 2-month crash course, they will obtain skills such as electrical house wiring, …

2020 in the rearview mirror

2020 will go down in history as the year that the Coronavirus pandemic forced the world to a standstill. During this turbulent year, the GSRD Foundation set up an emergency fund for immediate relief to finance hygiene kits, face masks, food and awareness campaigns. The Coronavirus pandemic had a major …

REACH in conversation with its beneficiaries

Our partner REACH in Vietnam explains our partnership: At REACH, as a non-profit organization, people often ask us where our funding comes from. We tell them “Various sources, but mainly from international foundations and individuals”. This answer confuses them. “Why would people give their money to strangers in a country …